

BatchStack is a batch operation environment for executing, scheduling and managing processes/tasks/batches with scripts. You can create and use "Powershell scripts", "Batch/Cmd scripts", "C# scripts" and "Slick scripts" to carry out your actions. BatchStack works on local Windows servers, Windows servers in your domain and on Windows servers on the Web. You can use it to perform system administration tasks, business process tasks, deployment tasks and everything else you can do in scripts.

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BatchStack consists of

  1. BatchStack Web-based Console
  2. BatchStack Windows Service
  3. Scripts Repository

BatchStack contains the following features

  1. Dashboard with activity overview
  2. Browsing local scripts and browsing scripts on remote servers
  3. Executing script(s)
  4. Executing script(s) on remote BatchStack servers
  5. Executing script(s) on multiple remote BatchStack servers
  6. History of executed scripts
  7. Editing scripts
  8. Script output capturing (live)
  9. Script repository with version control support (Git)
  10. Use of local or central NoSql database
  11. Script Scheduler (internal or Windows Scheduler)
  12. Execution Statistics
  13. Alerting by email via scripts
  14. Support for "Integrated Windows Security" (NTLM) and basic authentication
  15. Support for "Windows User impersonation" to show/hide/enable scripts
  16. Web interface for all operations
  17. Central BatchStack Service/Server management view
  18. Easy deploy via installer on each server and auto update feature
  19. Standard Powershell (.ps1) support
  20. Standard batch (.bat) and command (.cmd) support
  21. Standard slick (.slc) support
  22. Standard c# script (.cs,.csc) support
  23. Web-service Interface for programmatically executing scripts
  24. Script events support (OnBegin, OnEnd, OnSuccess, OnWarning, OnError)